The project "Zeitsprung Allgäu" (Timelapse Allgäu) is a documentary project on how daily life evolved over a period of approximately 60 years in the rural southern German region Allgäu. The old black & white images are made by Lala Aufsberg, a well-known German female photographer, not as part of her regular work (she was known for her art documentations), but are merely from her private collection. Images taken in the period from the late 1930's till the 1950's.
The main goal was not to show exactly identical motives. Some pairs need a little more inside knowledge. The relationship between the sheppard boy and the golf player for instance is not just the stick in their hands and the big contrast between pover living conditions in past times versus the prosperity of nowadays. Sheppards invented golf as a leisure activity as well.
The project was first published June 2015 at an exhibition at the "Oberstdorfer Fotogipfel" (Oberstdorf Photosummit), among other exhibitions of leading German photographers.
Lala Aufsberg's photographies: © Heimatbund Allgäu e.V., distribution rights owned by Kunstverlag Schweineberg
Color photographies: © 2015, Kees van Surksum
The project was first published June 2015 at an exhibition at the "Oberstdorfer Fotogipfel" (Oberstdorf Photosummit), among other exhibitions of leading German photographers.
Lala Aufsberg's photographies: © Heimatbund Allgäu e.V., distribution rights owned by Kunstverlag Schweineberg
Color photographies: © 2015, Kees van Surksum